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Girls grow up consuming media that tells them that sex is something someone does to you, and that being sexually attractive is important as a woman. The value of a woman is ultimately based on how attractive they are. Some women participate in casual sex as a means to overcome insecurities, and others as a way to feel empowered. But is casual sex necessarily emotionally healthy?


Sex as a topic should be talked about more. The subject of sex is not one that should not be broached. You can’t stop people from having sex, but you can teach people how to do it right and safe. A healthy and equal view on sex is one that should be adopted and learned by everyone.

Sex – definition: People having sexual intercourse. By literal definition and concept, sex is something natural, personal, and intimate. By all definitions, sex encompasses at the very least these three cores. Yet, for something that exists in almost every facet of society and life, it is taboo, especially in our country.


That is not to say that hookup culture isn’t commonplace these days, however. As common as it is today, just as commonplace is the lack of sexual education. The lack of sexual education can lead to regretful and damaging decisions. As with every other subject or action, the more the youth is prohibited from doing something, the more curious they are about it.

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